Top Challenges Faced by Electronics Manufacturers
The global marketplace is constantly evolving. No other industry experiences more change than electronics. New technology becomes available at an alarming rate. In order to remain competitive in the electronics industry, electronics manufacturers must be able to keep up. Electronics companies of all shapes and sizes face the following challenges.
Short Product Life Cycles
Technology evolves to meet the wants and needs of consumers. It’s crucial for electronics manufacturers to have the right processes in place for new product introduction. Teaming up with a qualified contract manufacturer ensures new products meet all quality, volume and release requirements.
Meeting Demand
Demand for technology is rapidly changing. Because technology is so closely intertwined with demand, it is extremely vulnerable to changes in local conditions. Production capabilities should be kept lean and able to shift to meet changing demand.
Environmental Impact
New standards and regulations require electronics manufacturers to consider the environmental impact of a product’s entire life cycle. Every aspect must be considered, from the manufacturing process and the chemicals used, to consumer energy use and disposal of the product.
Managing Service and Warranty
Having good quality control measures in place ensures that only high quality products are produced. However, sometimes things go wrong. Being able to service faulty parts as opposed to replacing products under warranty saves both time and money. It also allows electronics manufacturers to provide a greater level of customer service and increase trust in their brand.
Power Consumption
It’s becoming more and more important for electronics manufacturers to produce smaller products that last longer and consume less power. This can be a challenge for manufacturers without the equipment or technology necessary to create new products. Contract manufacturers stay up-to-date with the latest technology and practices. They help companies produce new products without spending the cost and time involved with training and equipment.
Quality Control
With so many electronics companies competing in the marketplace, it’s more important than ever to produce good quality products. Consumers want electronic products that operate the way they should. Strict quality control measures ensure consistent quality of all products produced.
Means Engineering, Inc. offers electronic manufacturing services to a wide range of industries. We are an ISO 9001, AS 9100 and ISO 13485 certified contract manufacturer. We work directly with you from concept to completion.